Senator Derrick Simmons seeks apology from Mayor Cox for televised comments

In an NBC Today Show report titled, “Inequality still prevails in some Mississippi Schools,” that recently aired the overall academic struggles of Coleman Middle School in Greenville were discussed as the producer blamed race for low test scores more so than a lack of adequate funding.

In that report, Greenville Mayor John Cox, who earns his paycheck from taxes paid by the public, including the parents of the students who attend Coleman Middle School, disgraced our city, this county, the Mississippi Delta, and our state by saying he would not send his children to public school and in fact had sent his daughters to private school because he lacked confidence in our public school system.

I think one of the lowest deeds that a public servant can commit is to betray the trust of those whose tax dollars pay their salaries.  Mayor Cox should apologize and join with the rest of us to become part of the solution and use his position to uplift our community and its people instead of putting down so many who try each day in earnest to better the lives of our children.

A top grade educational system is essential for each child, black or white, and a public servant who puts down their own school system should examine why they hold his position.

I commend Principal Dianne Zanders and Assistant Principal Dave Miller for expressing on camera their confidence in the students’ ability to achieve and do well and for speaking positive to a national audience about our community.

I will continue to do my part to bring more resources to this community and I will stand with its members in good and bad times as we solve our problems together and rejoice in achievements the same.

Mayor Cox either you’re a part of the entire community or you’re not. You decide after apologizing.

Please call me at 601-359-3221 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it if I can be of assistance. Please know that I am always looking to improve our district and our state and your input is valuable.

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