Simmons speaks against Mississippi Religious Freedom Restoration Act, saying it will legalize discrimination

There is a bill headed to Governor Phil Bryant’s desk called the Mississippi Religious Freedom Restoration Act. If Governor Bryant signs it into law, businesses wishing to discriminate against any person under state law could use “religious exercise” as a defense to justify their actions.

Federal and state laws do not let business owners with religious objections to “mixing the races” refuse service on religious grounds. We do not let business owners with traditional views of sex roles refuse to sell certain products to women or not hire married women for full-time jobs on religious grounds. Yet the way this bill is written could open the doors to many other types of discrimination.

Federal law prevents the race and sex discrimination that this bill would allow under state law, but those the federal law does not protect could be hurt. Business owners who oppose gay rights could refuse service to gay and lesbian individuals on religious grounds.

That, in turn, could affect Mississippi’s economy. Toyota and Nissan – both with manufacturing plants here in Mississippi – are celebrated as LGBT friendly work zones. But these plants would be in a state unfriendly to the LGBT community. While companies like Toyota and Nissan, among others, may drive the best possible talent into Mississippi, our state laws could end up repelling them away. If this state is trying to be the best it can, why would it push away experienced, hardworking Americans from accepting job offers here?

The Jim Crow laws ended in 1965. I was born 11 years later. I never witnessed those horrible years. I don’t want to see any shadow of the Jim Crow era, but this bill could turn back the clock. Arizona stopped it from happening when Governor Jan Brewer vetoed a similar bill in her state. I’m asking for the same now here. I hope you all join me as I urge Governor Bryant to veto the Mississippi Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

But if the worst outcome occurs, if there is no way for us to stop Governor Bryant from passing the bill into law, then we must do more. Yes, we can hope the Mississippi court system will recognize the importance of enforcing protection from discrimination, but we can act locally. We must ask our countiesand cities to pass non-discrimination ordinances so our friends of all races, colors, creeds and orientations can find oases from prejudice in the great state of Mississippi.

Please call me at 601-359-3221 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it if I can be of assistance. Please know that I am always looking to improve our district and our state and your input is valuable.

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